Here are some of the things that might lead us to be kind:
Researchers suggest that some people are more likely to practice random acts of kindness than others. This may be especially true when we help family, friends, community members, and spouses (Curry et al., 2018). Given that kindness helps us build healthy relationships with others-others who may be able to protect and support us-evolutionary psychologists believe that kindness makes us happy because it helps us survive and thrive.
Some researchers have proposed that happiness is just the emotional experience we have when we act in ways that promote our survival. Why might random acts of kindness be good for us? For example, if we spend more money on others we are generally happier, and if we volunteer to help others, we are generally healthier (Curry et al., 2018). Beyond that, being kind has been shown to boost not only others’ well-being but also our own personal well-being. We like kind people, so being kind can help us be liked. Kindness is one of the most valued character strengths in Western society (Binfet, 2015).